Meghan Harmening | Blogger

Well, ladies and gentlemen: it looks like our favorite African American President Barack Obama will be staying in office for another four years. Now that we have a winner, we need to seriously get to the drawing board and get our country back together. We have a broken nation. It is just as broken, if not more so, as it was four years ago. Now we have a Republican-led Congress and a Democratic president.
Not much will change, likely. President Obama has already had four years and hasn’t led the country back to its full potential. What we need is across-the-aisle cooperation. What we need is to cut our debt down. We simply cannot afford another four years where President Obama has trillion dollar deficits each time. It just cannot happen. Priorities need to be sorted out and accomplished.
And those priorities should be jobs, the recovery of Social Security and Medicare, and using up the oil we have here on the homeland while privatizing green energy jobs. However, the reality is that jobs will continue to go up at a very minimal rate; Social Security will run out before our generation gets to use it; Medicare will have such high rates that even taxes won’t be able to pay for it.
We let President Obama sucker us into four more years of broken promises. Four more years of trillion dollar debts that we won’t work towards cutting are up ahead. Four more years of socialized health care, four more years of redistributing wealth on a large scale, four more years of not using the resources we have here at home, four more years of a divided Congress, and four more years of not living up to our full potential as a nation: that’s what we have in front of us, America.
But in the end, the election is over, and we can’t do anything about it now. All I can say is don’t let this be the last of your political voice. Talk to your representatives about the issues that truly matter to you. Don’t let the people in Washington D.C. determine your future. Speak up and make them listen to you. We have a voice. We live in a beautiful democracy where the people have the voice. So use that voice. Speak up for the issues that matter. And don’t let those in Washington D.C. step all over us. Because when we band together, we are bigger than them.