Aaron Burns | Graphics Co-Editor
I had really never thought about organ donation until I got my driver’s license at age sixteen. It was really such a simple question: Would you like to be an organ donor? I really had to think about it. Would I need my organs after I was gone, or could I try to help someone else?
Fast forward to spring semester 2013. I experienced probably one of the hardest things that almost anyone would have to deal with, especially while in college. My stepfather committed suicide while my family was out. I had literally just parked my car from coming back from home that weekend when I received the call.
I ended up spending over a week away from school. A lot of the time away was spent at a hospital in St. Joseph, Missouri hoping for good news. When the good news didn’t come, we had to start making plans about what happens next. That included talking to the organ donation team that the hospital uses.
We were told that they would be able to save tissues, ligaments, tendons, bones, veins, and his corneas. We were also walked through the process about whether we would ever be able to know who received the donations. We were informed that six months after the donation, we could know the recipient and try reach out to them.
This all took place in late April. In late September my mom received a letter. With the eye bank that the corneas went through, you do not have to wait six months before contact can be made. Only four months after the incident, we knew of the impact an organ donation can make.
“I am a 76-year-old grandfather, and I speak for my entire family when I say THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
‘THANK YOU’ seems so inadequate for the gift of better sight I received from your precious loved one. I just want you to know what a courageous gesture I think it is to give a part of one’s self or a loved one to help another.
I passed my driver’s license eye exam and can drive again! I can read a newspaper again and I can even see the computer without glasses.
We take things for granted until they are gone and I never thought something like this could strike me and I am very thankful there was something that could be done for my condition (Fuchs Dystrophy). I am especially thankful for people like you that can and will make something like this miracle happen.
I truly appreciate this gift and I intend to pay it forward if given the opportunity. God bless you and your loved ones.”
This is the letter we received for the corneas. We also learned that from the other small items that they took, they were able to help around fifty people.
Through all these developments, a new light has been shined onto organ donation. It is one of the most unselfish things that someone can do. Even if your life cannot go on, you can help so many people. I understand that some religions may not allow this, and it’s really all about personal preference. I’m not trying to make anyone feel bad or pressure them into donating. I just really want to show everyone how much of an impact a simple gesture can make. I am and will remain a future organ donor.
Graphic by Aaron Burns
Grace E. Bodey • Oct 9, 2013 at 7:06 pm
This is super cool, Aaron. I didn’t know how kindred we were last semester when I told you my mom had “passed suddenly” when I was little. She took her own life too. Proud of you for sharing this. It’s a big step for you personally, but it will help people who ARE like you and get the people thinking who AREN’T.