Fellowship of Christian Athletes facilitates the faith


Allyssa Ertz, Arts & Life Editor

Student athletes in sports at Buena Vista University (BVU) bond each Thursday night through Fellowship of Christian Athletes by playing games and growing in their faith in Christ.   

 Beginning at 8 P.M. in the Skybox, games like human knot or Pictionary provide an opportunity for each person to build relationships with others on campus. Afterwards, a student leader of FCA closes in prayer.  

 Sophomore Ella Wiebusch and freshman Lincoln Rock work together as current co-presidents with sophomore Joe Rock and freshman Lindsey Miles to be leaders of FCA. BVU Chaplain Ken Meissner and University Counselor Mike Walker serve as faculty advisors. 

 These student leaders welcome anyone to FCA, not just athletes. They invite all students on campus to attend. 

 “Ultimately, I want people to discover how much they are loved by God and how important it is to live out our faith in our words and actions, on and off the court or field,” Lincoln Rock said. 

 FCA began February 8, and will continue for the remainder of the year. Head track coach Colt Slack ran it last year, so the student led aspect creates a different atmosphere for 2018.  Campus Ministry assists FCA with funding for its events. 

 FCA is organizing a volleyball tournament in the near future. If you are interested, contact one of the leaders, or anyone who attends FCA. Every member would love for new people to join in on the fun! 

 FCA is unique because of the games played within a casual environment. Connections made at FCA help student athletes learn more about God. 

 To be a leader in FCA, you can simply lead by example, showing others the light of Christ through your actions, according to Wiebusch. 

 Fellowship of Christian athletes is more than a Bible study. It is an environment that combines sports in the name of God. Lincoln Rock is excited to watch God work through FCA to reach the whole campus and spread God’s love, joy, and hope. 

 “I really enjoy going to FCA because it gives me an opportunity to learn more about ways I can use my faith to honor God in sports while allowing me to hang out with some really awesome people!” junior FCA member Brady Dicks said. 

FCA welcomes you to take a break from studying with games, food, and fellowship in the name of Jesus Christ.