Hey BV. Can We Go Thrift Shopping?

Image courtesy of Green Society Campaign

Image courtesy of Green Society Campaign

Alex Galloway, Assistant Opinion Editor

College is tough, but being a broke college student is even tougher. If only I had a dollar for every time my friends invited me out to go do something and my response was “Sorry, I can’t. I’m broke.” I have a job. I shouldn’t be this broke. But I have a problem with buying clothes. So, I decided I’d go check out the Goodwill here in Storm Lake. I didn’t have my hopes too high. However, I was very surprised with my findings!  

Shirt #1: This was my first find and I was pretty excited. It’s a white offtheshoulder shirt with some design. The tag said that it was from Maurices. There wasn’t one thing wrong with it. It even fit me really well! The best part was that it was only $4! Overall, I’d rate this shirt 10/10! 

Shirt #2: I was going to put this one back right before checking out, but I decided to keep it. I thought about how cute it would be with almost anything. I could wear it now with some jeans or black leggings and when summer comes around I could wear some shorts with it. It’ll make a great casual everyday shirt. I only paid $2 for it! I’d rate it a 9/10.

Shirt #3: After going through all the tops, I decided to head to the t-shirt rack. I found this one and immediately loved it. I honestly don’t know who the woman is that’s pictured on the shirt. Also, it was ridiculously big on me. I decided to still buy it because I knew I could possibly wear it as a dress in the summer with a cute pair of converse. I only paid $2! I’d give this a 10/10 as well. 

Shirt #4: Going through the t-shirt racks took forever. I went with my friend Briana, so while she looked on one side I looked on another. We found two Taco Bell shirts and immediately started laughing. We each bought one. We’re planning on cropping them and maybe wearing them out one weekend. It was worth the $2 I paid for it. I’d rate it 9/10. (I’m not a fan of Taco Bell but any excuse to twin with a friend!)

Shirt #5: I was really impressed with how cool and unique some of the t-shirts were. When I saw this one on the rack I knew I wanted it. I haven’t decided if I want to crop it or keep it how it is yet. However, you can’t beat that price of $2. I’m giving this shirt a rating of 9/10. 

It takes a special person to go Goodwill shopping. It really takes a lot of time and patience to find what you really want. It’s so worth it though! My favorite part is finding things that would be ten times more expensive if you bought it at the mall. Even if you aren’t a broke college student, I would still recommend going and checking it out! This experience was a lot of fun,
and I’ll definitely be visiting Storm Lake’s
Goodwill again in the future!