In mid-September, Judy Winnick made her way to Buena Vista University to put on a performance featuring the story of Polish social worker and activist for the Council for Aid of Jews, Irena Sendler, during the Holocaust.
Judy Winnick Performs “Irena Sendler: Angel of the Warsaw Ghetto” on Campus
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About the Contributors

Carter Soyer, Editor-in-Chief
Hello! My name is Carter Soyer, and I am a junior from Glidden, Iowa. I am majoring in Digital Media. Along with being involved in the Tack I am a part of SAB, BVTV, and KBVU. Telling stories elates me and I can’t wait to see what stories of BVU I uncover next. Thank you!

Jaxon Van Pelt, Sports Editor
My name is Jaxon Van Pelt, and I am a senior at BVU. I am a Business and Digital Media double major. I am on the baseball team here at Buena Vista and I enjoy sports, video games, and movies. I also enjoy sports broadcasting and podcasting.