Meghan Harmening | Opinion Co-Editor
As part of a new strategic planning initiative, Buena Vista University (BVU) has recently begun the process of revising the institution’s mission, values, and vision statements.
“We weren’t sure we were going to change it. There are some folks who still like the original one. The proposed new one is a more accurate reflection of [BVU],” President Fred Moore said.
The reasons for revising the three statements were to create a change that reflected BVU better, to simplify each statement, and make them more straightforward. The new mission statement will read: We prepare students for lifelong success through transformational academic, professional, and co-curricular programs.
“This statement isn’t terribly different from the one before, except that it’s more straightforward. I don’t think we changed the fundamental character of what the institution is all about. I think this is an evolutionary process,” Moore said.
In addition to revising the current mission statement, BVU has also come up with a list of values the university will be including as its values statements. Some of these values include passion, transformational experience, meaningful connections, inspiration, stewardship/sustainability, and respect/inclusiveness.
Many students came to BVU because of the passion of the people here, the transformational experiences offered, and the meaningful connections we can have with faculty, staff, and other students. But what many students may overlook is how diverse our campus has become, and how important respect is on every level.
“We’ve become a much more diverse institution than we used to be,” Moore said. “We have consciously diversified the student body. I think it’s been one of the best things we’ve ever done, and we’ve come a long way. I think your generation has led the country and society in an important way. There’s been a positive development here and I credit your generation for that.”
The vision statement, also in the works, currently reads as follows:
By 2018, BVU will be regionally recognized as a leader in blending a strong liberal arts education with professionally oriented career and life preparation for an increasingly diverse student population by:
-Providing students with exceptional classroom and experiential learning opportunities to gain the multidisciplinary knowledge and skills to succeed in their professions, careers and service to their communities
-Strengthening programs, disciplines and modes of delivery which are vital to preparing globally-engaged and ethical citizens who contribute to the economic, intellectual and cultural development of our world.
Moore explained the importance of having a clear and genuine mission, values and vision.
“The mission is why you exist. Pure and simple. Why is this institution here? What does it do? The values statements talks about the things we hold dear and the way we are going to conduct ourselves in dealing with each other and dealing with the outside world. The vision statement is more forward-looking. This particular one sets a timeline of 2018. I hope people see some degree of consistency between all three,” Moore said.
The mission, values, and vision statements are set to be approved by the Board of Trustees in February of 2014.
Graphic by Aaron Burns
Photo courtesy of Kevin Coriolan