Aaron Nicolaisen | Staff Writer
Last fall, Follett Corporation announced a new price match program across a network of 1,200 campus bookstores including the Lehnus Campus store located at Buena Vista University (BVU).
Follett’s program allows customers to receive a price match on merchandise including book rentals and purchases from college campus stores and Follett’s online website.
Many students have taken advantage of the new price match program, and Follett hopes to see even more students benefit from this deal, according to Follett’s Regional Manager John Parish.
“We’ve seen a number of students this term and anticipate the numbers will grow as more students learn about the program,” Parish said.
Customers who wish to receive a price match form the bookstore must have a valid advertisement offering the identical item for less from another seller. Along with the advertisement, the customer must present the store’s cashier with the original receipt within seven days of purchasing an item to be eligible to receive the difference in price. Price matches on book rentals must have the same rental period as the bookstore in order to receive the deal.
The Lehnus Campus Store program will match prices against Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Chegg, and other local competitors excluding peer-to-peer marketplaces.
Online sellers of college books and materials have created more competition for the Buena Vista bookstore.
However, the Lehnus campus store supplies BVU students with the necessary materials for success. The bookstore’s services allow easy return and exchanges of books during the semester to ensure each student has the correct study material for their classes.
In an effort to promote student access to the needed materials, Follett’s price match program will allow students to purchase supplies at the lowest possible cost from the campus store.
Receiving a price match deal on merchandise will not affect the bookstore’s return policy. Students can return or exchange textbooks within the BVU add/drop period by presenting a drop slip at the store’s register.
“Students continue to choose the campus store or our eFollett website for great service, value, and convenience of accessing products in-store and online,” Parish said.
College materials can be purchased online at eFollet or from the Lehnus Campus Store. The BV bookstore, located in the Siebens Forum, is open Monday – Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
At this time, Follett plans to continue offering the price match program to customers until a later date.