Too Hot to Handle: No Air Conditioning 

Isabel Haas, Opinion Editor

As a student who spends most of her time in and around the forum area – going to lunch, getting coffee, or just spending time doing homework in the new lounges – it has become increasingly noticeable how much the lack of air conditioning has been affecting students, faculty, and staff. 

Lately, the air conditioning in the forum has not been keeping up with the air circulation necessary to keep the entire forum cool. This leaves students, faculty, and staff sweating and wanting to relocate to another building or spend some time outside.  

The main concern for the high temperatures for the forum is the conditions of the people working all day in an area with no AC. There are many services offered to students in the forum, including the CAE, Common Grounds, the library, the bookstore, the mailroom, and the Serve. With so many people operating these essential parts of BVU, it’s important for them to perform their work comfortably, as well as the students walking through the forum. 

A few academic buildings on campus have also been without air conditioning for a day or two, which makes focusing on and completing tasks incredibly difficult. Meetings and classrooms have been moved outside and to other buildings just to increase productivity because the heat has had such a negative effect on so many people’s learning and work environments.  

When the academic buildings and the underground part of campus are hotter than the outside temperature, on a summer’s day no less, it calls for concern. 

Although the lack of air conditioning in certain areas of campus makes it nearly impossible to be productive and work efficiently, the advantages and progress that is being made to our school, in exchange, is almost worth it. 

With the university making changes and updating different parts around campus, it is understandable that not everything will operate accordingly, especially with the constant ongoing construction. The lack of air conditioning is inconvenient and makes conditions hard to operate effectively in, but in comparison to the advantages the entire college campus will benefit from, it becomes a little more bearable.