Thanksgiving—how to feast with loved ones while we are living in a pandemic?


Hannah Kramer

As the close of November is approaching, the leaves have all turned and fallen. The crisp air reminds us that winter is just around the corner, but before we can welcome December, we must first celebrate Thanksgiving.

It’s a holiday many consider to be responsible for mass family gatherings and scrumptious cuisine. However, given the current pandemic, how will families gather? With COVID cases surging upwards, it seems as if it is only a matter of time before quarantine Part II is upon us, but, it couldn’t come at more inconvenient time. With many not being able to see their loved ones due to the pandemic, Thanksgiving was the reunion holiday, at least that’s what my family had planned on.

Isolation and the inability to see family and friends has caused many, including myself, to yearn for human interaction. But no matter how much we want something, we need to think of the well being of others. This time of year is all about being considerate, caring, thankful and kind. So, how will we feast with our loved ones while distancing?

Some families, like mine, are small enough that they will still plan to have an in-person celebration. However, only non-ill family members will be permitted and we are not having a family style meal. But, other larger families will have to substitute with technology. I mean, this year has not been the year of Zoom for no reason, am I right? Technology has become a beacon of hope for all of us during this time. So, while it may seem abnormal (what hasn’t this year?) many, plan to Zoom with their distanced relatives.

When spending a holiday over video chat instead of being in person with your loved ones, it can be hard to see the positives. However, persistance is the absolute key and for the sake of us all we must at least try. For example, one positive for my family is that we won’t have to endure a certain dish that a particular family member always makes (names have been left out to avoid a family feud).

Another positive would be that since our screens will be busy, we can focus on engaging in conversation amongst ourselves. Technology is awesome and is doing us great service this year, don’t get me wrong! But, chats with members you don’t see often are far more delightful than anything you could be doing on your phone, Tik Tok, Snapchat and Insta can wait.

Regardless of whether your family meets via screen or in person, the motive remains the same; spending quality time together. This year has been strange, and nothing is as we have experienced before. Unfortunately, this year is not over and that brings us to celebrate a strange Thanksgiving as well.  So, while it may not be like what we are used to, we must have grace and make the best of the situation. From me to you, I wish you all a happy Thanksgiving and holidays to come.