Kylee Deering | Blogger
Lovely BV Students,
We’re now about a month into school and by this time, I’m sure you’re all feeling the stress of juggling your classes, sports, clubs, and activities. I know I am. So I thought it would be perfect to feature a calendar as the dorm decor of the week. If you don’t have some sort of way to organize everything you’ve got going on, I highly recommend going to Wal-Mart or somewhere around town to get a whiteboard or hanging calendar. Both are inexpensive items and you can set it up how you want. Hang it up where you’ll see it every day and where you can refer back to it easily as you’ll want to check it often to keep track of the things you have scheduled every day.
The whiteboard is nice because you can make it entirely your own and set it up however you’d like it. Whatever organizational methods work for you can be used on a whiteboard so if you’re particular about how you want to keep track of your classes, assignments, and other activities, getting a whiteboard might be the way to go. I have several friends who use them and they love it. They’re able to erase things and write down new stuff and keep everything current. The whiteboard works well for laying out a schedule a week at a time.
The calendar is good to have if you’re booking your schedule several weeks in advance. If you like to see what’s going on for your entire month, I recommend getting a calendar. It’s an easier place to keep many things scheduled versus using the whiteboard in this case. You can reference back to it and see every day for the month laid out and make sure you’re not double-booking or booking too much at a time. It’s hard to remember everything you’ve got scheduled when you’re not only looking at a week at a time so having it all in front of you all the time helps to keep organized.
Fun tip: to make the area around your calendar or whiteboard stand out or go along with your room, you can hang pictures, string lights, or other fun decorations. This also draws your eye back to that area, making you remember to use your calendar.
Happy planning!