Who’s Who in Beaver Sports: Hannah Appleseth

Allie Hartman

Allie Hartman, Sports Photographer

Hannah Appleseth is a senior at Buena Vista University completing her first year in her master’s program. Originally from Panora, Iowa, she attended Panorama High School. Appleseth is a guard for the BVU Women’s Basketball team. 

Appleseth originally came to BVU from Panora where she ran for the cross-country team for a year, before she decided that basketball was where her heart was. She played in all 26 games last season for the Beavers and averaged 13.9 minutes per game. She was tied for fifth on the team with the most total of assists coming in with 26.  

When it comes to basketball, Appleseth has had a long-time love.  

“I almost feel like I am in a long-term relationship with the game of basketball.  I remember going to a clinic in second grade  when I was little and just loving it right away. I’ve always loved to compete. My friends and I would play basketball all the time at recess against the boys. In middle school my interest grew; I would shoot all the time in my driveway–sometimes even in the snow. In high school I spent a lot of my summer in the gym. I got to play high school basketball with my nine best friends, who were all seniors, and I think that really solidified my love for the game,” Appleseth explains. 

Having the chance to play the game with her lifelong friends is what made it so special to Hannah.  

“Getting to play  the game I love with people I love was really cool. I walked away from the sport after I graduated high school to come run cross country and track at BVU. However, I found myself missing the game a lot and I came back to it. I have never regretted that decision. College has definitely shown me how deep my love is for the game and for my team. I’ve spent the past two summers in Storm Lake to train for basketball to be able to  contribute to my tea, which means having to be away from  my family (and dogs), which was hard for me,” says Appleseth. “I’ve had a lot of highs and a lot of lows, and I have given this sport a good chunk of my life.  I love the beauty of the game and everything it has given me.” 

There are way too many memories that relate to basketball for Appleseth to just narrow down one.  

“My senior year of high school,  my team won 3 games by one point and we won the conference for the 4th year in a row. That was really exciting to be able to do that with the same nine girls I had been playing with since 2nd grade, to see our hard work pay off. However, I’d say my favorite memories are the small moments in between that a lot of people don’t see. It’s cheesy, but this game has given me the majority of  my best friend. I have so many great memories with my teammates. It’s easy to work hard when you know you’re working for people you love,” Appleseth says. 

Hannah feels lucky to have played with one of her best friends while doing something they both truly love.  

“I also feel very lucky to have been able to play the game with my best friend, Jade, who transferred here last year. We are going on our twelfth year of basketball together this year. The Dubuque game last year was probably my favorite college game memory so far.” 

Dana Christen, head coach for the Women’s basketball team, says that she expects Hannah to make a big impact on defense this year for the Beavers, adding, “She is quick and aggressive and that makes her a really good defender.” 

Christen also feels that Hannah’s position as a senior allows her to be not just a great player, but an effective team-member and leader as well. 

“Hannah not only brings great basketball skills to the team, she also brings heart and great teamwork to the team as well.  She is a great all-around athlete,” explains Christen. 

The Beavers head to Wheaton, IL, for a tournament this weekend, Nov. 17-18, where they will play two games. They are back in action for their first conference opener against Coe on Nov. 28 starting at 6 p.m.