Tanner Frost, Sports Editor
Hello there! My name is Tanner Frost, and I’m a Senior from Boone, Iowa. I’m a Digital Media major with a minor in Theater and will be acting as the Tack's sports editor for the fourth year running! I’m also acting as a Sports Director for KBVU this year, the campus’ radio station, and as the Sports Reporter for BVTV. I love all things sports and entertainment, especially related to the Pittsburgh Steelers, Chicago Cubs, Arsenal FC, and most especially the Buena Vista Beavers. I play Middle Linebacker for BV’s football team as well and am looking forward to our season in the Spring! If you see me around, you can talk to me about sports, video games, music, books, and just about anything. Check out my stories on BVU Athletics, or my new Entertainment Column which I take you on a nostalgia trip from media long ago. Go, Beavers!